CEO Greeting

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Medicine and food have the same basis
Since ancient times, food and medicine have not been different.
If you look at the etymology of yak-gwa1), yak-bab2), and yang-nyeom3), you can understand the thoughts of our ancestors who did not see food and medicine differently.
(“Yak” in Korean means medicine.)

1) yak-gwa: cookies made with flour, sesame oil, honey, rice wine, cinnamon and ginger juice
2) yak-bab: flavored glutinous rice mixed with honey, dates, chestnuts, etc.
3) yang-nyeom (pronunciation changed from yak-nyeom, 藥念): seasoning

Also, the English word spice is said to be derived from the Latin word for medicine.
Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.
Food is what we eat every day.
Believe in the power of food, slowly and naturally, but distinctly and strongly!
We believe it can change us to be healthier.

Now is the age of ‘healthy lifespan’
Lifespan is the total number of years we live, and ‘healthy lifespan’ refers to a state of being healthy and free from disease.
The quality of life can be improved by maintaining a healthy condition, not simply living.
It is an effort to increase ‘healthy lifespan’, not just increase lifespan.
Everyone has the natural right to live a healthy and happy life.
BonchoHomi Corp. will ensure that everyone enjoys the right to lead a healthy and happy life with the power of ginsenosides.
On that long journey, BonchoHomi will be by your side to help and make it happen.
We support a healthy and happy life for our customers.

Thank you.