Aqu peel injection > ​Medical esthetic

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​Medical esthetic

Aqu peel injection

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작성자 최고관리자 날짜19-08-22 17:09 조회수28회 댓글0




1. Features and Advantages

<Four functions in one device>

Aqua peeling hand piece for cleansing

Air spray for enhanced lymph drainage .

Nebulizer for skin care

Nebulizer mask for effective facial care

Solid metal housing



2. Effects and Indications

A reduction in enlarged pores and

black heads.

Improves acne and skin problem

Effective cleansing

Eliminates dead skin and sebum

Effective for hydration and absorption of nutrition


3. Technical Specification

Power source:   AC 220V/50~60Hz

Power:  90 Watt

Size:   250 Χ370Χ310(h) (mm)

Weight: 13kg


4. Components

Hand piece of Aqua peel with hose

Air Spray gun




Nebulizer mask

Business Name : SunglimBNC | C.E.O : Bang Boogun | Corporate Registration Number : 211-01-77784

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