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UK riots latest: Teen rioter stole £19k worth of vapes; new images sho…

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작성자 Prince 작성일25-01-17 21:07 조회7회 댓글0건


Sir Keir Starmer should "define Islamophobia" so he can hold MPs and News Today agitators to account for their anti-Islam rhetoric, says former Scotland Yard superintendent Nusrit Mehtab.

Thousands of far-right protesters were involved in violent disorder across the UK in response to the Southport stabbing attack on 29 July.

After disinformation about the suspect's identity spread online, many protesters directed their anger towards mosques, incorrectly believing the attacker was a follower of Islam, as well as being an asylum seeker.

Speaking to Sky News today, Ms Mehtab said there needs to be a "clear plan" for how the government deals with the aftermath of the riots to ensure they don't happen again.

"One of the first things I'd like to see the Prime Minister do is to actually define Islamophobia, give it a formal meaning and label," she said.

"Then you'll be able to deal with politicians, elected members of Parliament and other agitators, to be able to show that we cannot have this.

What we've had now, we really cannot have this on our streets again."

For context: There is no single agreed definition of Islamophobia in the UK, albeit various civic, social, legal and political sources have attempted to define it.

Those who call for a definition to be adopted say that by not doing so, the government is downplaying hatred directed at  Muslims.

상호명: 봉담차유리   |  대표자: 이상훈  |  사업자등록번호: 143-01-19763
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